• Research Article :
    Full papers are complete reports of original research of high scientific quality that have not previously been published. Full paper contains all experimental details. New, significant, innovative and original findings are suitable as Research papers.
  • Reviews :
    Reviews are summaries of significant recent research work and new developments from the research group of the principal author. The main part of the review should be a comprehensive but critical analysis of recent (last three to five years) developments, current problems, and future directions.


The authors are requested to prepare their manuscripts as per the instructions/specifications given below.

General requirements:

Authors are advised to consult recent issues of the journal for examples of format. All manuscripts must be typed 1.5 spaced and in 12 pt Times New Roman. Margins of at least 1 inch must be left on all sides. Manuscript must be written in clear and concise English. The responsibility for all aspects of manuscript preparation rests with the authors. Extensive changes or rewriting of the manuscript will not be undertaken by the Editors.

Page Order :

Page order must be as follows:

Page Content
Page 1 Title page
Page 2 Abstract & key words
Page 3 onward Introduction and all sections
Language English 
File Format M.S. Word 2007 file
Page size Letter Portrait , A4 (8.5" × 11")
Margins 1 inch on all sides
Page no. None
Footer / Headers None
Line spacing 1.5
Font style Times New Roman
Title 16 pt Times New Roman, Bold, Capital case, Centre
Author and co-authors 14 pt Times New Roman, Centre, Normal Face.Author and all co-author names in one online. The corresponding should include an asterisk* and passport size photo for corresponding author (jpg file only)
Authors address Authors' affiliation (i.e.   Department/   Organization/ Address/ Place/Country/email). Must be below the name of author.
Abstract 12 pt Times New Roman, Single Space. Full justification, Normal Face, 100-150 words
Heading of all section Major Heading (ABSTRACT, KEYWORD, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULT AND DISCUSSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, REFERENCES) 14 pt Bold. In upper case and left justified.
Sub heading under section 12 pt, Upper case, Bold, Left hand side
References Vancouver in the following style as given in example

Bahadur S, Roy A, Baghel P, Choudhury A, Saha S, Chanda R. Formulation and evaluation of glipizide tablets utilizing Hibiscus rosasinensis leaves mucilage. Indones J Pharm 2018;29:23–8.


All the tables and figures should be in the text at suitable place. 

Tables must be created using Word table format. Do NOT use Chem Draw, ISIS Draw or Tabs to create tables. Tables created in Chem Draw / ISIS Draw will be returned to the author for proper formatting. Tables must be oriented portrait style on the page and must fit within the margins of a single page. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and bear a brief title in sentence case, bold face and font size 10. Material in body of table is usually Justified on the left-hand side. The font should be Times New Roman and size of 10 pt. Tables should not be very large that they run more than one A4 sized page.

Figures may be embedded in your word document but they should be created with a program that allows you to save them as gif, jpeg format. Figure number and title should be given below the figure in sentence case, bold face and font size 10, the content of the figure should be explained in the title of figure. For drawing chemical structures use Chem Draw with the following settings:

  • Text font : Times New Roman, 10 pt Fixed length: 0.508 cm
  • Bold width : 0.071 cm Line width: 0.021 cm
  • Bond spacing : 18% of width Hash spacing: 0.088 cm
  • Graphs and bar graphs should preferably be prepared using Microsoft Excel and submitted as Excel graph pasted in Word.

For any figures or other materials directly extracted from previously published materials, you must have written permission from the publisher of that material for reprint use. A copy of that permission release must be submitted with your article.